Actually, two (or three) books resulted. Depends how you count.
Let us back up and tell you.
Along the way, teaching pastors and Bible school teachers and Bible translators, Stuart wanted to study further about how to teach covenant (the concept of God’s promises to us) in a way that was helpful in Mozambique.
So the first book was An Experiment in Bible Translation, his doctoral dissertation, published by the University of Stellenbosch and available here. **
An academic work, written in English, it needed a further step to bring it closer to Mozambican pastors. So Serão o Meu Povo was born (You will be My people and I will be your God). Books were taught at a retreat for Bible school teachers in Mozambique, and since then, the book has been taught in Angola and in the capital of Mozambique.
Serão came to the attention of Oasis International, who publish books for Christian leaders across Africa, and their staff worked with Stuart to edit a popular-level book for English speakers. The target was city dwellers in Kenya, who felt torn between glossy promises of health and wealth preachers and fears of offending ancestral spirits. So you might notice examples and spellings that are aimed at that audience.
But Highly Favoured could have a larger audience, of people eager to hear of the God who we don’t have to get the attention of, who we don’t need to convince to help us. The covenant promises of God ensure us of His favour and His strong help, but the goal might surprise us. It is not a superficial commitment that God is making and He is not offering a completely easy ride.
Following Him is the adventure of a lifetime, worth everything it costs, and building us into so much better people, families and churches than we bargain for.